Borderline Sicily ONLUS

Borderline Sicilia (non-profit) was founded in 2008 in order to report the facts about immigration in Sicily, forming a project that would actively record what was happening on both sides of the Mediterranean. Our main activity involves monitoring the situation for migrants on the island. The information we gather is published online in order to provide a grass-roots narrative of migration to Sicily, with particular attention on the practices carried out by institutional and private agents relating to the lodging, reception and detention of migrants, as well as access to services.

Borderline Sicilia provides legal and social assistance, advances pilot cases in the courts, and carries out advocacy and lobbying work at both national and European levels.

The organisation also raises awareness among the local population on themes relating to immigration, including the protection of human rights and the guaranteeing of equal opportunities through direct partecipation and self-organisation. We are engaged in promoting best practices at a regional level and setting up progressive networks of Sicilian groups. Borderline Sicilia also promotes and partecipates in research around migration in collaboration with universities and NGOs.

Awards and acknowledgments

6 December 2014 – XII edition of the National Peace Culture Award – Special mention of the Technical Committee to Borderline Sicily for the activity carried out in favor of migrants.

5 July 2014 – 18th Alexander Langer International Award, awarded to Borderline Sicilia, on the occasion of the annual Euromediterranea event (Bolzano – Italy), as a facilitator in the dialogue between institutional and private actors and creator of local and national networks against racism.

4 July 2013 – Human Rights Award, as part of the platform “Right of Stay, Respect for Asylum Seekers and Refugees and Human Rights”, awarded to Borderline Sicilia at the 30th Summer Academy in Schlainingen (Austria), as a partner of the European project transnational “The Europeanization of the law on foreigners in Italy, Cyprus and Spain: Detention Centers in the light of the Return Directive no. 2008/115 / EC (EACEA) “.

Year 2012 – As part of the national project Anti-discrimination good practices towards foreign communities, promoted by UNAR, Borderline Sicilia has been recognized as an association promoting good practices in Sicily in the field of social inclusion of vulnerable subjects and the creation of local networks for the fight against racial discrimination.


Via Ritiro n. 24,
97015 Modica (RG), Italia

Mobile: +39 331 2048044
