association Borderline Sicilia Onlus expresses
its solidarity and support for the journalist and writer Antonio Mazzeo. A few
days ago, the council of Falcone brought a lawsuit against Mazzeo for having
written an article which was published in I
Siciliani Giovani
. The article reported on mafia infiltration in some of
the council’s contracts and the devastating impact this has had on the local
area. Mazzeo’s journalism has always focussed on similar types of inquiries and
he has done a lot of work on the mafia, the role and the presence of the
military in Italy and migrants’ rights.

He is now
paying the price for carrying out investigative journalism in Italy, where a lawsuit is an instrument
deployed by those who wish to silence through intimidation those who have the
courage to inform and denounce. And in this case, it is even being done with
public money.

Follow the link for the article on the lawsuit:

For those
wishing to show their support for Mazzeo, connect to the Facebook page: