
Disappearing among the large numbers

They have reached theport of Catania tonight, the survivors…

Exploitation and neglect in the Trapani region

If you want a good idea of how the governmentmanages immigration,…

Salina Grande – report 15/09/2012

Returning to Salina Grande after a couple of months away, it…

Unacceptable conditions at Salinagrande

Six beds per room, mattresses on the floor. This is how the…

Salinagrande, the Centre’s migrants bear the signs of beatings

Report, 11th-15th May 2012Right from the very beginning of…

Salinagrande: repercussions for those who speak to professionals from outside the Centre

Overcrowding, alcoholism and depression amongst the migrants…

Salinagrande: twenty asylum seekers staying in shed-like structure with asbestos roof.

Woman, seven months pregnant, who has received no medical attention.…