
From the Sea to the Countryside, Passing Through Our Cities
What do a young Ghanaian woman, amiddle-aged Nigerian man and…

New Landing Procedures or Simply Chaos? The Example of a “Delayed Landing” at Messina
“In aleis strenua – in pugna invicta”: “Resolute in venture,…

Those Who Die, Those Who Arrive and Those Who Remain: The Overcrowded Hotspots at Pozzallo
“WhatEurope just doesn't understand is that for migrants arriving…

The Voices of Those Who Are Thrown Back by the Walls and a Lethal Indifference
In these muggy August days we have been reading tales of violence…

Conference “Administrative Detention and Forced Removal following the 2008/115/CE Directive on Repatriations”
Palermo,Aula Sturzo, Piazza Bologni 8Programme:WelcomeProf.…

Common tales of madness
(AGI) – Trapani – "I climbed over the gate and onto the perimeter…

Migrants transferred from Lampedusa but Thursday’s survivors stay
While search and rescue operations continue in the sea between…

Pozzallo Migrant Riots – 5 injured
Once again,another riot at the CSPA (First Reception…

Pozzallo. Fourteen Tunisians arrested for disturbances at the First Reception Centre
from Ragusanews. Pozzallo - Fourteen Tunisians were arrested…

Pozzallo. Riots in the Recption Centre
The Pozzallo CSPA (First Reception Centre) has once again been…