
The border of Lampedusa. Unlawful practices, indifference and resistance
On Lampedusa, the limbo of a border in the middle of the Mediterranean,…

The Former ‘Gasparro’ Barracks and the Bisconte Neighbourhood: In The Pits of Abandonment
The situation at the former 'Gasparro' barracks in the Bisconte…

A Reception System Which Only Benefits the Few: A Visit to the Centre of First Reception for Minors at Castiglione di Sicilia
“Stateof emergency”, “exceptional” and “extraordinary”…

The Extraordinary Reception Centre for Women in Poggioreale: Vulnerabilities Left Unprotected
13women, one with a 1-year-old child.13women, about whom…

Don’t Worry Dad, I’ll Die Happy Because You’re Alive At Least
I cannot but feel pain when confronted by the death of an innocent,…

That Old Hotel at Geraci Siculo
Geraci, famous for the clean waters which flow from the nearby…

Lampedusa: The transfers and deportations resume, and the protests continue
In recent days we have been present at the start of a series…

High specialized reception Centre for minors in Mazara del Vallo: can it really be qualified like this?
The reception center for minors, startedin the ex-hotel Conte…

A week of protests in the Province of Caltanissetta
It has been a week of intense protests in several reception centres…

Migrants in the area of Catania treated like “hostages”: “We are prisoners treated like animals”
We post the video of the daily newspaper "La Repubblica" showing…