
Against illegal and inhuman detentions. We say no to CPR*
Article first published on March 15, 2022Press release –…

Justice for Wissem Ben Abdellatif, a suspicious death in the Italian detention system
Article first published on December 10, 2021Press release –…

Gregoretti: we request the immediate landing for the migrants rescued by the coast guard
Press release – After the recent incidents surrounding the…

From one confinement to another. The illegitimate detention of the Sea-Watch migrants in the Hotspot of Messina.
Press release – Those who disembarked the 29th of June in Lampedusa,…

The Diciotti case: on the vote of Immunity for Salvini “open the case for the conflict of competences before the constitutional court”
Press release – Saturday 22 June 2019, the conference “Contemporary…

We accuse the illegal detention of two unaccompanied minor migrants in the Deportation centre of Milo
Press release - The association Borderline Sicilia, which has…