
The Voices of Those Who Are Thrown Back by the Walls and a Lethal Indifference
In these muggy August days we have been reading tales of violence…

That Old Hotel at Geraci Siculo
Geraci, famous for the clean waters which flow from the nearby…

Everyone Sit Down Please
It's not just a line for children, but also the position lived…

The Reception System for Minors is Called HELL
In Sicily we have a constant feeling of total despair in relation…

Boys On The Outside
It's not only the title of a celebrated film by Marco Risi, but…

So Many Arrivals, So Little Protection. Migrants In Ever Worse Conditions And Abandoned To Themselves.
In only a few days 4,500 people have been rescued and brought…

Landings at Agrigento and Palermo: “Where is my husband? Please help me!”
Last Saturday (June 25th), the Coast Guard ship “Diciotti”…

Borders, Reception and Rights in Sicily and Europe: Workers, Legal Experts and Researchers in Conversation
Tuesday July5th 2016, University of Palermo, Via Maqueda 172,…

Western Sicily: A Week of Hell
Over theweek just gone, our attention has turned not only to…

Palermo, Playing with the Futures of Unaccompanied Minors
Yet another missed call, and again it is from Ben [NB: all names…