
They’re Not People, They’re Moroccans!
Wehave taken some time to write about what happened in Palermo…

Hard to Accommodate: Palermo
Inthe past few days we have read about the announcementsby the…

The Great Frontier Within Our Cities
There is aborder we have built which is larger than any of the…

Landings and Photo Identification: “Procedures are Overriding Humanitarian Necessity”
ByRedattoresociale.itThelandings are taking longer and…

From the Sea to the Countryside, Passing Through Our Cities
What do a young Ghanaian woman, amiddle-aged Nigerian man and…

More Vulnerable People, Less Protection. Prolonged Detention in Pozzallo and Augusta.
Fifteen migrants dead at sea, including women and children.The…

Fool’s Gold: A Night-Time Landing in Palermo, Migrants Left Out in the Rain
Thedisembarking of 1,003 people was scheduled originally for…

New Landing Procedures or Simply Chaos? The Example of a “Delayed Landing” at Messina
“In aleis strenua – in pugna invicta”: “Resolute in venture,…

A War on Migrants: The Palermo Landing
On August 31st, 1169 people were landed at the the port of Palermo.Those…

Don’t Worry Dad, I’ll Die Happy Because You’re Alive At Least
I cannot but feel pain when confronted by the death of an innocent,…