
From Libya to Mineo: the negotiations between Italy and the boss - When the minibus with the tinted windows enters…

Messina: A Mega Tent-City for Migrants in the Old ‘Gasparro’ Barracks. The €1,932,000 Contract Already Announced in the Official Gazette. And that’s not all…
By Stampalibera.itIn a few months' time the former barracks…

Don’t Worry Dad, I’ll Die Happy Because You’re Alive At Least
I cannot but feel pain when confronted by the death of an innocent,…

From Pozzallo to Mineo via Ventimiglia. Migrants detained, deported and isolated.
The images which arrived from Ventimiglia and Genoa this week…

New transfers from the Lampedusa CSPA -the Centre empties
Following Monday'stransfer (27th August) of 180 migrants from…

Mineo Cara (Hosting Centre for Asylum Seekers) : a meeting place for different populations or the denial of their rights?
The two day "Carafest 2012" finished yesterday at Mineo: there…

Mineo: the authorities on parade at the CARA (Hosting Centre for Asylum Seekers), yet marginalisation remains
by argocatania A big day of celebrations is underway today…

World Refugee Day in MINEO
On the occasion of World Refugee Day on June 20, the Antiracist…

Help for our brothers and sisters in MINEOWe invite all…

The mayor Marletto: we will close the Mineo “ghetto”
The mayor Marletto: we will close the Mineo "ghetto"From the…