
Madi, Houssein, and the Other Nameless Ones
Article first published on June 10, 2021Currently, we can no…

The Christmas holidays and the solitude of the invisible
Article first published on December 30, 2020The cries of outrage…

Sold For A Few Votes
Last week was characterised by a small upturn in landings, with…

Deportations From Italy, With Frontex’s Help
Despite the visible failure of the Hotspots, the Italian government…

Deaths at the Border. Control and Repression Replacing Reception
“Four survivors from a ship packed with 193 people”. “The…

Invisible People, Ripe for Exploiting.
After two months, we went back to Campobello di Mazara, to check…

Palermo: Fifty Expelled Migrants Wandering Aimlessly, No Money for the Trip
Source: Repubblica.itAlert from voluntary associations:…