
The Violence Reproduced by Emergency
Emergency considered as the only possible response. It is the…

So Many Arrivals, So Little Protection. Migrants In Ever Worse Conditions And Abandoned To Themselves.
In only a few days 4,500 people have been rescued and brought…

Migrants, little water and no breaks during the transfers. A policeman: “If there is any problem, we’ll take care of it”
From MeridioNews“We can’t let anybody get off the bus, otherwise…

Frontex meets with the Associations in Catania
PressreleaseOn Thursday,14th January, a meeting took place…

Fortress Europe’s Revolving Doors
The image which comes to mind so often at the momentis that…

Meeting between associations and institutions in Catania on the issue of refoulement
In front of therepeating practice of deferred refoulement thathas…

October 3rd commemorated through illegal deportations
We have learned to our disdain that last monday, September 28,…

Migrants turned away from Catania and Syracuse
On 30 September 2015 between 10-11am, a boat arrived in the port…

Migrants died below the deck, those bodies we want to ignore
Theyleft in the night between Friday and Saturday from the Libyan…

A land of barriers
TheEuropean Ministry of the Interior met yesterday in Luxembourg…