
Hotspot Confinement and the Mirage of Redistribution
In continuing to carry out our recent weeks of monitoring, we…

The (ab)normality of reception in Caltanissetta
In Caltanissetta and its province, the dangerous effects of the…

The end doesn’t justify the means
Bullying by power and massacred rightsItaly 2019: a professor…

The Reception System Collapses
We are living in a permanent electoral campaign. The most recent…

Sold For A Few Votes
Last week was characterised by a small upturn in landings, with…

From Tripoli to Ciminna: The Women in an Emergency Reception Centre in the Province of Palermo
A Report from the Sportello Sans Papiers – ARCI Porco RossoTwo…

The Former ‘Gasparro’ Barracks and the Bisconte Neighbourhood: In The Pits of Abandonment
The situation at the former 'Gasparro' barracks in the Bisconte…

Reception system, the new CAS* scattered between hills and mountains of the province. “Migrants increasingly lonely and isolated: this way they can be blackmailed”
After the public call by the prefecture for the entrustment of…

Ever More Isolated and Alone
Castellana, Collesano, Geraci, Isnello, Palazzo Adriano, Ciminna,…

The Difficulties of the Reception System in Trapani
Requests for help have been coming in from people hosted in reception…