
The Reception System for Minors is Called HELL

In Sicily we have a constant feeling of total despair in relation…

Borders, Reception and Rights in Sicily and Europe: Workers, Legal Experts and Researchers in Conversation

Tuesday July5th 2016, University of Palermo, Via Maqueda 172,…

The Parliamentary Commission Fails The Pozzallo Hotspot: New Minors Accepted Yesterday

On June 23rdthe parliamentary commission for the inquest into…

The factory of irregular migrants, improperly called clandestine – Press release

Borderline Sicilia expresses deep concern regarding the continuation…

Agrigento: Deportation of asylum seekers – press release

BorderlineSicilia expresses concerns over the fate of approximately…

Meeting between associations and institutions in Catania on the issue of refoulement

In front of therepeating practice of deferred refoulement thathas…

October 3rd commemorated through illegal deportations

We have learned to our disdain that last monday, September 28,…

Borderline Sicily to the European Parliament “In Memory of Alexander Langer”

Last June 3rd wewere invited to the initiative in memory of…

Human rights award for Boderline Sicilia Onlus

During the 30thSummer Academy in Schlainingen (Austria) all…