
Forced Stopover: The Time That Doesn’t Pass in Agrigento

Wespent a day with the migrants in the Villaggio Mosèin Agrigento,…

Remembrance by the Few, Silence of the Many. Three Landings and 29 Bodies at Pozzallo.

"Ileft after having spent 40 days in a bunker in Libya. I wasthreatened…

“Don’t Call Them Economic Migrants”. MEDU Explains the Exodus to Europe

FromRedattoresociale.itAninteractive map shows refugees'…

That Old Hotel at Geraci Siculo

Geraci, famous for the clean waters which flow from the nearby…

The SPRAR (protection facilities for asylum seekers and refugees) of Aidone’s municipality

We get to know the SPRAR of Aidone’s municipality through an…

Visit of the centre for extraordinary reception “Hotel Morgantina” of Aidone

“A word for summarizing the situation here is Zero". This…

Second edition of “Arte Migrante” in Modica

“Already after the first edition this summer I couldn’t wait…

The Right of Asylum becomes a Utopia

In the last few weeks, while the news in thenewspapers has focussed…

A young asylum seeker dies after being run over on the highway of Pian del Lago

The young men run over on the highway of the hamlet Pian del…

After landing: Staying in Italy between time-consuming beurocracy transfers

By now we read daily news about the landing of immigrants on…