
Visit to the SPRAR Centre in Francofonte

At the beginning of October we went to visit the SPRAR* centre…

It’s All Just Normal Procedure

“We're just following orders, we can't make an exception, and…

Homeless and Rightsless

In Italy, the malfunctioning of administrative procedures represents…

Fire in the campo of Pian del Lago: Continued Invisibility

The terrible living conditions of migrants in the informal camp…

The Former ‘Gasparro’ Barracks and the Bisconte Neighbourhood: In The Pits of Abandonment

The situation at the former 'Gasparro' barracks in the Bisconte…

Italy’s reception lottery

Oxfam Italy’s complaintThe Italian reception system allows…

The Migrant Business: More Than €143,000 Per Day, Managed By An Archipelago Of Cooperatives – The former Regional Aide for Families,…

EU Re-Assesses Italy’s Activity in the Hotspots. Activists: “Fingerprinting? A Widespread Failure”.

Source: Meridionews.itThe European Commission has closed the…