
“Don’t Call Them Economic Migrants”. MEDU Explains the Exodus to Europe

FromRedattoresociale.itAninteractive map shows refugees'…

The Reception System for Minors is Called HELL

In Sicily we have a constant feeling of total despair in relation…

We Are Rebuilding the Emergency

Foto Alberto BiondoThepiercing cry of children, the black…

Lampedusa: The transfers and deportations resume, and the protests continue

In recent days we have been present at the start of a series…

Pala Nebiolo in Messina: Forceful Fingerprinting and Lying to Those in Need of Protection

At the end of the seminar “Sicily, crossroads of the Mediterranean:…

An evening in the square in Lampedusa

It's 7 pm, and a group of young Eritrean men and women are sitting…

The Dead No One Notices

For a long time we have the feeling that the dead fail to leave…

They are being taken for a ride – Part 1

The time has come for us to be much clearer with the wordswe…

Migrants: unlawful deportation by chief of police - Can chief police officers reject migrants?…