How the denial of rights develops into illegality and abuse of power

Last week four asylum seekers housed at the reception centre…

We are still unprepared

An exodus of men, women and children fleeing war, violence, threats…

Triton alone cannot afford to save lives

Redattore Sociale - "The prompt rescue of refugees at sea can…

Lampedusa: „I prayed for the whole journey“, says the doctor aboard of the speedboat

La Repubblica, by Raffaella Cosentino - During the crossing,…

The reception centre for minors in Villa Montevago of Caltagirone reopens with a new management

The first reception centre for minors in Villa Montevago of Caltagirone…

The Border Returns to Lampedusa – Martha Bernardini: “Terrorists among migrants…

From Paestum to Syracuse: the struggle for a dignified reception continues

"Just because rules exist does not mean that they are being respected.…

A week of protests in the Province of Caltanissetta

It has been a week of intense protests in several reception centres…

Migrants being abandoned and CPA* under investigation

Corriere di Ragusa - 4 pm, at the gates of the reception centre…

The CPSA of Pozzallo remains closed and the finance police carries out a raid

The CPSA* of Pozzallo is closed and empty since the 7th of January,…