Freedom for Gabriele Del Grande: Initiatives in Sicily
After days of waiting in vain for a quick solution to the events…

Call for the Immediate Liberation of Gabriele Del Grande
We express our deep concern regarding the events which have effected…

Migrants. A Clear Way Ahead For The Minniti-Orlando Decree: The Central Points
From Redattoresociale.itThe government has put its faith…

Out of Initial Reception, Into Mineo: What Future Awaits 18 Year Olds?
“Things are going better now, because they're going to transfer…

Deportations From Italy, With Frontex’s Help
Despite the visible failure of the Hotspots, the Italian government…

The Deal with Libya and Migrant Raids: Italy and the EU’s Approach to Immigration Is Increasingly Disturbing
Press release. Borderline Sicilia is deeply concerned…

Invisible People, Ripe for Exploiting.
After two months, we went back to Campobello di Mazara, to check…

Do Not Lose Hope and the Strength to Always Be There
2016 has ended, and rereading some of the reports from the year…