New Landing Procedures or Simply Chaos? The Example of a “Delayed Landing” at Messina
“In aleis strenua – in pugna invicta”: “Resolute in venture,…

Don’t Worry Dad, I’ll Die Happy Because You’re Alive At Least
I cannot but feel pain when confronted by the death of an innocent,…

The Voices of Those Who Are Thrown Back by the Walls and a Lethal Indifference
In these muggy August days we have been reading tales of violence…

The Dead: The Sea Can’t Take Them Any More
The sea now leaves many of the dead on the beaches of Libya,…

Boys On The Outside
It's not only the title of a celebrated film by Marco Risi, but…

Western Sicily: A Week of Hell
Over theweek just gone, our attention has turned not only to…

The fiction of despair: “Mummy, don’t worry, I am alive and finally free”
I come upon Alpha and Omega (not their real names) at the bus…

Immigration. The call for reception centres in the province of Trapani and the investigations in the centres.
From Tp24Among inquiries and parliamentary interrogations, the…

A Barricade in Limbo: The Occupiers of La Locanda
I arrived with the rest of the whites. A couple of police cars…

Let’s reject everyone or even better, let’s not!
“If we hadn't seen it with our own eyes, it would havebeen…