Alcamo and Campobello di Mazara: The Exploitation Continues In the Sicilian Countryside
A few weeks after our last visit to Campobello, we returned to…

Campobello di Mazara: Precarious Agricultural Labour and Discrimination
Campobello di Mazara is one of the most important stops in the…

The Reception System in Agrigento, Trapani and Palermo: Between Disorganisation, Chaos and Abandonment
The deadly game does not stop. Europe has found a way out, and…

Trapani: Landings, Monitoring, Encounters
The air was tense in Trapani last week, due to the landings and…

Letter From a Mother
The barbarism which befalls the vast majority of migrants, people…

Miss, I’m Sorry, But I Have To Inform You That Your Son Has Been Killed
There have been too many, far too many phone calls over the last…

A Future Deferred: Visit to an Extraordinary Reception Centre in the Province of Trapani
As you enter the “Vulpitta”CAS* in the Province of Trapani,…

Hard to Accommodate: Trapani
Three landings in one week are too many even for Trapani, where…

The Extraordinary Reception Centre for Women in Poggioreale: Vulnerabilities Left Unprotected
13women, one with a 1-year-old child.13women, about whom…

From the Sea to the Countryside, Passing Through Our Cities
What do a young Ghanaian woman, amiddle-aged Nigerian man and…