A War Fought With Weapons Of Mass Distraction
In the era of social networks, politics has moved away from the…

Our Constitution Buried In Depths of the Mediterranean
According to data gathered over the last month, nearly one thousand…

Sold For A Few Votes
Last week was characterised by a small upturn in landings, with…

It’s All Just Normal Procedure
“We're just following orders, we can't make an exception, and…

Free the Open Arms and the Iuventa: No One Should Be Sent Back to the Libyan Inferno
Appeal from the Sicilian Antiracist groups.We want to…

Segregation in the Name of Security
There are many ways to do away with someone, and the most underhand…

Not Everyone Has Something To Celebrate
Even in the festive season we have the task of observing hypocritical…

A Dog Is Worth More Than A Black
At Campobello di Mazara, a dog can be cured by a vet with the…

The New Slaves
“A friend told me that I'd find work here, that I'd earn some…

The Difficulties of the Reception System in Trapani
Requests for help have been coming in from people hosted in reception…