The Shanty Town at Cassibile at the Point of Emergency: “Employers Should Guarantee Accomodation”
From MeridioNews.it - CRONACA – Seventy-nine African men camped…

Homeless and Rightsless
In Italy, the malfunctioning of administrative procedures represents…

The landing of the Aquarius ship in Augusta
Yesterday afternoon the Aquarius ship of the NGO SOS Méditerranée…

After The Landing, Human Rights On Hold: The Case Of The Extraordinary Reception Centre at Rosolini
Mohamed and Ahmed (not their real names) arrived in Sicily on…

“We Can’t Stop”. The Signs Of The Borders Written On The Bodies Of Those Who Arrive
“It was a long journey, but I put some money aside from my…

Deaths at the Border. Control and Repression Replacing Reception
“Four survivors from a ship packed with 193 people”. “The…

Migrants turned away from Catania and Syracuse
On 30 September 2015 between 10-11am, a boat arrived in the port…

Crossing the ocean at age 12. Hundreds of minors have reached the Sicilian coast
The number of unaccompanied minorswho come across the ocean…

A free choice which cannot be bordered
The European Commission has adopted the long awaited EuropeanAgenda…

A visit to the ‘new’ reception centre at Rosolini: asylum seekers waiting since August for procedures to start.
It is not easy to reach the CAS* 'Alessandro Frasca SAS' in Rosolini,…