Open The Ports: We Demand the Safe and Immediate Landing of the ‘Nuestra Madre de Loreto’

Borderline-europe formally supports the #United4Med appeal to open the European ports to those saved by the fishing ship Nuestra Madre de Loreto.

On November 23rd, the Spanish fishing ship Nuestra Madre de Loreto saved the lived of 12 people from the anger of the sea. Since then, the vessel has been blocked from docking in at a European port, despite the bad weather and uneasy sea.

Both Italy and Malta refuse to let the overloaded vessel land. Spain instead wants to assist the Libyan authorities in bringing these people back to Libya against their will, because that is the closest port.

Borderline-europe condemns the reactions of European governments. Libya is not a safe port and has never signed the Geneva Convention on refugees. The media and international organisations report systematic violations of human rights, torture and human trafficking in the Libyan refugee camps. Taking people there is against the order of non-refoulement.

We support those who have been saved, the fisherman of the Nuesta Madre de Loreto and the three humanitarian organisations – Open Arms, Sea Watch and Mediterranea – who are currently supporting the ship at sea and providing support. The situation for those on board is worsening, and one person has already lost consciousness. We need a rapid solution in order to avoid a disaster in the Mediterranean.

We demand the immediate end to this inhuman detention and a guarantee regarding the health of those saved and of the crew. The Nuestra Madre de Loreto needs safe refuge – in Europe. The passengers need to be welcomed – even by a German city!

Borderline Sicilia


Project “OpenEurope” – Oxfam Italia, Diaconia Valdese, Borderline Sicilia Onlus

Translation by Richard Braude