Dutch Government Concedes: Sea-Watch 3 Sails to Scheduled Shipyard Maintenance in France
On Tuesday, Sea-Watch announced its preparedness to begin urgent…

Facing The Truth
In the era of Twitter politicians, it's increasingly difficult…

Migrants, there is no invasion: population flows are an intra-European phenomenon
Redattoresociale.it – Where does integration in Europe stand?…

Bagheria: Terraferma, the new drop-in for migrants opens
Finally a new drop-in service for migrants will open in Bagheria.The…

Newsletter Borderline Sicilia – December 2018/ January 2019
The nefarious effects of the Salvini Law The criminalisation…

More Protests at the Detention Centre in Pian del Lago: Tunisian Man Seriously Wounded
Following the fire that saw its closure on 9 December 2017, the…