The Initial Reception Centre for Minors in Giarre: The Residents Speak Out
Giarre, a small town of around 27,000 people in the foothills…

“They are trouble, that is the true reason behind the slander”
Currently, the Italian media is mounting a large-scale smear…

Remembering The Largest Massacre in the Mediterranean, And All Migrants Who Continue To Die At Sea
On the night between the 17th and 18th of April 2015, 800 people…

“Rally for me!”: huge response to Del Grande’s appeal
Redattoresociale.it - At 6pm this evening the journalist’s…

Freedom for Gabriele Del Grande: Initiatives in Sicily
After days of waiting in vain for a quick solution to the events…

Call for the Immediate Liberation of Gabriele Del Grande
We express our deep concern regarding the events which have effected…

Migrant Sicily Newsletter, March 2017
The manhunt for the “alleged boat drivers” and the…

The Reason the NGOs Are Being Attacked Right Now
Exactly a week after the press conference held on board the Aquarius,…

New Rejections, Arrests and Hotspots: The Migrants Italy Does Not Want to Protect But Continues to Exploit
Around 250 people in just one landing: this is the number of…

“We Can’t Stop”. The Signs Of The Borders Written On The Bodies Of Those Who Arrive
“It was a long journey, but I put some money aside from my…